Northeast College Prep Dress Code
Our dress code promotes community and focuses attention on studies. A consistent and respectful appearance reminds us of our important work as learners.
Student Uniform Policy
Northeast College Prep requires its students to be in uniform unless expressly exempted from wearing a uniform by the school’s administration. The school will provide each student with one uniform polo shirt and additional shirts may be purchased in the office or at retail stores. Additional parts of the uniform may be purchased at retail stores.

Approved Clothing
SHIRTS: Navy polo (with or without an NECP logo). NO logos, patterns, t-shirts, or other colors besides navy (see the 7th & 8th grade options, below).
SWEATSHIRTS/SWEATERS: A plain navy crewneck sweatshirt or sweater (without a hood and without writing) can be worn over the student’s polo. No hoods, patterns, or logos are allowed (other than an NECP-logo item). Please note no NECP sweatshirts with hoods will be allowed this year.
BOTTOMS: Solid navy, khaki, gray, or black pants, skirts, shorts, dresses, or jumpers. No holes, rips, logos, patterns, or blue jeans.
LAYERS: Clothing worn under uniform shirts and bottoms must be solid navy, white, gray, or black. No logos, patterns, hoods, or jeans.
ABAYAS: Must be plain black, gray, navy, or khaki (sequins and gemstones are okay). A navy polo must still be worn.
HIJABS: Can be any color or pattern.
SHOES: Athletic sneakers should be worn every day. If students do not wear sneakers, they will need to change into gym shoes for their physical education class.

7th & 8th Grade Shirt Options
7th & 8th grade students are allowed to wear additional options for shirts. They may opt to wear NECP polo shirts in the following colors: orange, light blue, and navy blue. Otherwise, a plain navy polo is required.
If your student chooses to wear a light blue or orange polo, the shirts must be purchased at NECP for $15.

What happens if a student is not in uniform?
Students who are not in uniform will be sent to the office to change into a borrowed uniform or go home if they refuse to comply with school rules. If the administration believes a student’s appearance, grooming, or mode of dress interferes with or disrupts the educational process or school activities or poses a threat to the health or safety of the student or others, the student will be directed to make modifications or will be sent home for the day. A parent or guardian will be notified.

Winter Clothing
When the weather becomes cold during the winter months, students must bring warm clothing.
Required winter clothing:
- Boots (and tennis shoes for inside). Students can keep their tennis shoes at school overnight and wear their boots to and from school.
- Coat
- Hat
- Mittens or gloves
Optional winter clothing:
- Snow pants
- Scarf
Students without snow pants and winter clothing may have limited outdoor recess choices.