Talent Development
At Northeast College Prep, we firmly believe that the experience of deeply developing a personal talent is a critical aspect of childhood development. We believe that all children need and deserve this opportunity. Because of this belief, we are building strong relationships with youth-serving organizations throughout Northeast and surrounding communities who provide such opportunities. We are committed to working closely with these organizations and our students’ families to ensure that all students experience what it means to deeply develop a personal talent. If you are interested in receiving more information about Talent Development Programs in your neighborhood, click here.

Learning is more than just academic skills. We believe that students will be more successful if the school culture is calm and positive; teachers explicitly teach social skills; a classroom and school community is built ensuring that every student belongs; and the school is intentional about teaching everyone to work with a variety of people. We believe that the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum. This means that we teach our students how to be great people in addition to gaining necessary academic skills. At Northeast College Prep, teachers intentionally develop strong communities in their classes by explicitly modeling, teaching, and problem solving how to work with one another. The entire school uses non-verbal strategies (Catalyst) to preserve relationships and manage behavior. We use the Responsive Classroom philosophy and are committed to training all teachers in this approach to teach intrinsic motivation and ensure all students feel safe, belong and have fun while learning. Additionally, teachers intentionally teach social skills through two or three lessons each week (Fly Five curriculum, RULER and Responsive Classroom).
Students thrive with a strong teacher-student relationship. To this end, every student has one teacher for all subjects, outside of specialist classes, all day in Kindergarten – 4th grade. In 5th – 8th grade, students rotate between classes. We designed a school to ultimately be Pre-Kindergarten – 8th grade to allow for teachers and staff to build strong relationships with families and students over ten years. Our staff cares about each and every student and this commitment allows each student to thrive.
School Culture
Our school culture allows students to learn and teachers to teach. Every staff member implements Responsive Classroom and Catalyst strategies to build intrinsic motivation and a positive school community. Because everyone implements these strategies, our school environment sets all students up for success.
Staff Development
Our teachers and staff continuously improve their practice through ongoing coaching and participation in collaborative professional learning communities.
Differentiated Instruction
- Our teachers differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of all students
- All grade levels have daily What-I-Need (WIN) time to provide targeted instruction in reading and mathematics
Rigorous literacy program
- K-8 Wit and Wisdom ELA curriculum
- K/1 SIPPS foundational skills curriculum; 2/3 Being a Reader foundational skills curriculum
- Adaptive technology-based literacy programs to enhance learning (i.e. Lexia, iReady)
- Emphasis on reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills
Rigorous Mathematics Program
- Emphasizing inquiry, problem-solving, and conceptual understanding
- Adaptive technology-based programs to enhance conceptual understanding of math concepts (i.e. iReady)
- K-3 Bridges in Mathematics curriculum; 4-8 Ready Classroom Mathematics curriculum
Specialist classes
All students take five specialist classes:
- Arabic language
- Spanish language
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education