Reporting Absences/Tardiness
Parents/guardians are expected to call the main office (612-248-8240) by 8:30 am to report any absences or tardies and provide the following information:
- Student name & grade
- Date of absence
- Reason for absence
- If a student arrives after 7:40am or leaves before 2:20pm, they must check in at the main office and will be considered tardy.
- 4 tardies is equal to a full-day absence.
Excused Absence Reasons
- Illness
- Serious illness in the student’s immediate family
- A death in the student’s immediate family or of a close friend or relative
- Medical, dental, or orthodontic treatment, or counseling appointment
- Court appearances occasioned by family or personal action
- Religious instruction not to exceed three hours in any week
- Physical emergency conditions such as fire, flood, storm, etc.
- Removal of a student pursuant to suspension. Suspensions are to be handled as excused absences and students will be allowed to make up work.
- Family emergencies
Regular school attendance is directly related to success in academic work. Minnesota State Statute (120) requires that children attend school from age 7 until age 18. Students who are absent 15 consecutive days will be dropped from the school.