1. Modeled after Global Academy.
2. Heavy investments in our teachers: lots of professional development, lots of coaching and support. Our teachers will get more coaching in one year, than teachers traditionally get in over two decades.
3. International Baccalaureate curricular framework
a. Long IB block every afternoon focused on science and social studies instruction
b. Provides the thematic framework within which teachers plan creative lessons and provide opportunities for student inquiry and exploration
4. Balanced literacy program
a. Reading Street reading program
b. Differentiated instruction to meet students where they are
c. Adaptive computer-based literacy programs to enhance learning
d. Balanced emphasis on reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills
5. Investigations and Every Day Counts math program
a. Emphasizing inquiry and problem-solving, while ensuring basic fact automaticity
b. Balance of building understanding of abstract “language of math” with real-world application of skills
6. Specialist classes
a. Students take all four specialist classes: Arabic language, Spanish language, Art and Physical Education.